Monday, November 12, 2018


Nothing in the nature lives for itself.
Rivers don't drink their own water.
Trees don't eat their own fruit.
The sun doesn't shine for itself.
A flower's fragrance is not for itself.
Living for each other is the rule of nature.


If you think you are rich there are many richer than you, if you think you are clever there are more people cleverer than you. But if you think you are honest, then you are among the few, and in this instance, it is best to be among the few.
- Tunku Abdul Rahman


The loveliest day comes when you wake up and find that life still colours your world through people who truly care and never fail to remember you.


Happy people are always happy, not because everything is right in their life. They are happy because their attitude towards everything is right.


No matter how big your house is, how recent your car is, or how big your bank account is, our graves will always be the same size. Stay humble.


Great thoughts always come from the heart.
- Marquis de Vauvenargues

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