Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Always remember

Always remember to forget
The things that made you sad.

But never forget to remember
The things that made you glad.

Always remember to forget
The friends that proved untrue.

But don't forget to remember
Those that have stuck by you.

Always remember to forget
The troubles that have passed away.

But never forget to remember
The blessings that come each day.

Sunday, July 27, 2008



三瓶女人:花瓶, 醋瓶,藥瓶。

千萬別做 ~~
三轉女人:圍著鍋台轉 ,圍著先生轉,圍著孩子轉。



Saturday, July 26, 2008

ABC of Happiness

Aspire to reach your potential
Believe in yourself
Create a good life
Dream about what you might become
Exercise frequently
Forgive honest mistakes
Glorify the creative spirit
Humour yourself and others
Imagine great things
Joyfully live each day
Kindly help others
Love one another
Meditate daily
Nurture the environment
Organize for harmonious action
Praise performance well done
Question most things
Regulate your own behaviour
Smile often
Think rationally
Understand yourself
Value life
Work for the common good
X-ray and carefully examine problems
Yearn to improve
Zestfully pursue happiness

Friday, July 25, 2008

Coffee and Cups

The happiest people in the world are not those who have no problems, but those who learn to live with things that are less than perfect.

A group of graduates, highly established in their careers, got together to visit their old university professor. Conversation soon turned into complaints about stress in work and life. Offering his guests coffee, the professor went to the kitchen and returned with a large pot of coffee and an assortment of cups - porcelain, plastic, glass, crystal, some plain looking, some expensive, some exquisite - telling them to help themselves to the coffee.

When all the students had a cup of coffee, the professor said, 'If you noticed, all the nice looking expensive cups were taken up, leaving behind the simple and cheap ones. While it is normal for you to want only the best for yourselves, that is the source of your problems and stress. Be assured that the cup itself adds no quality to the coffee. In most cases, it is just more expensive and in some cases even hides what we drink. What all of you really wanted was coffee, not the cup, but you consciously went for the best cups... Then you began eyeing each other's cups.'

Now consider this:
'Life is the coffee; the jobs, money and position in society are the cups. They are just tools to hold and contain Life, and the type of cup we have does not define, nor change the quality of Life we live. Sometimes, by concentrating on the cup, we fail to enjoy the coffee. Enjoy your coffee!'

The happiest people don't have the best of everything. They just make the best of everything.
1. Live simply.
2. Love generously.
3. Care deeply.
4. Speak kindly.

You are the miracle, my friend;
Your life either shines a light OR casts a shadow!

Shine a light & Enjoy the Coffee!!!

When you are down...

Sometimes the pressure is so high,
The hours are so long,
The problems so big,
The whole world seems to be against you...
Do you know what you should do?

Act silly!

Don't listen to the ones who make you feel depressed!

Ignore your problems!

Do what you enjoy!

Make time for the things you love!

Leave your fears aside and...be a bit ridiculous!

Fight for perfection...but not to exhaustion!

And the most important: Life doesn't end today, and doesn't start tomorrow.

Don't stop! Each minute of stress is wasted time...

This is why I wish you: A little madness and a little imagination, so you can see life better than usual!

And don't forget: Smile! In life everything is nicer when you cheer up.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Poem about morning

Morning is the best of
All times in the garden.
The sun is not yet hot.
Sweet vapors rise from the earth.
Night dew clings to the soiland
Makes plants glisten.
Birds call to one another.
Bees are already at work.

- William Longgood

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

I feared....until...

I feared being alone...until I learned to like myself.
I feared failure...until I realised that I only fail when I don't try.
I feared success...until I realised that I had to try in order to be happy with myself.

I feared people's opinions...until I learned that people would have opinions about me anyway.
I feared rejection...until I learned to have faith in myself.
I feared pain...until I learned that it's necessary for growth.

I feared the truth...until I saw the ugliness in lies.
I feared life...until I experienced its beauty.
I feared death...until I realised that it's not an end, but a beginning.

I feared my destiny...until I realised that I had the power to change my life.
I feared hate...until I saw that it was nothing more than ignorance.
I feared love...until it touched my heart, making the darkness fade into endless sunny days.

I feared ridicule...until I learned how to laugh at myself.
I feared growing old...until I realised that I gained wisdom everyday.
I feared the future...until I realised that life just kept getting better.
I feared the past...until I realised that it could no longer hurt me.

I feared the dark...until I saw the beauty of the starlight.
I feared the light...until I learned that the truth would give me strength.
I feared change...until I saw that even the most beautiful butterfly had to undergo a metamorphosis before it could fly.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

A reason, a season or a lifetime

People come into your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime.
When you know which one it is, you will know what to do for that person.

Someone is in your life for a reason, it is usually to meet a need you have expressed.
They have come to assist you through a difficulty, to provide you with guidance and support, to aid you physically, emotionally or spiritually. They may seem like a godsend and they are.
They are there for the reason you need them to be.
Then, without any wrongdoing on your part or at an inconvenient time, this person will say or do something to bring the relationship to an end.
Sometimes they die. Sometimes they walk away.
Sometimes they act up and force you to take a stand.
What we must realise is that our need has been met, our desire fulfilled, their work is done.
The prayer you sent up has been answered and now it is time to move on.

Some people come into your life for a season, because your turn has come to share, grow or learn.
They bring you an experience of peace or make you laugh.
They may teach you something you have never done.
They usually give you an unbelievable amount of joy.
Believe it, it is real. But only for a season.

Lifetime relationships teach you lifetime lessons,
things you must build upon in order to have a solid emotional foundation.
Your job is to accept the lesson,
love the person and put what you have learned to use in all other relationships and areas of your life.

It is said that love is blind but friendship is clairvoyant.

Thank you for being a part of my life,
whether you were a reason, a season or a lifetime.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008




后来女孩渐渐疏远了男孩。女孩结婚了﹐去了法国﹐去了无数次 出现在她梦中的巴黎。女孩和男孩分手的时候﹐对男孩说﹐我们都必须正视现实﹐婚姻对女人来说是第二次投胎﹐我必须抓牢一切机会﹐ 你太穷﹐我难以想象我们结合在一起的日子……男孩在女孩去了法国 后﹐卖过报纸﹐干过临时工﹐做过小买卖﹐每一项工作他都努力去做 。许多年过去了﹐在朋友们的帮助和他自己的努力下﹐他终于有了自己的一家公司。他有钱了﹐可是他心里还是念念不忘女孩。   
有一天下着雨﹐男孩从他的黑色奥迪车里看到一对老人在前面慢 慢地走。男孩认出那是女孩的父母﹐于是男孩决定跟着他们。他要让 他们看看自己不但拥有了小车﹐还拥有了别墅和公司,让他们知道他 不是穷光蛋﹐他是年轻的老板。男孩一路开慢车跟着他们。雨不停地下着﹐尽管这对老人打着伞﹐但还是被斜雨淋湿了。到了目的地﹐男孩呆了﹐这是一处公墓。他看到了女孩﹐墓碑的瓷像中女孩正对着他 甜甜地笑。而小小的墓旁﹐细细的铁丝上挂着一串串的纸鹤﹐在细雨中显得如此生动。

女孩的父母告诉男孩﹐女孩没有去巴黎﹐女孩患的是癌症﹐女孩去了天堂。女孩希望男孩能出人头地﹐能有一个温暖的家﹐所以女孩 才做出这样的举动。她说她了解男孩﹐认为他一定会成功的。女孩说 如果有一天男孩到墓地看她﹐请无论如何带上几只纸鹤。男孩跪下去﹐ 跪在女孩的墓前﹐泪流满面。清明节的雨不知道停﹐把男孩淋了个透。男孩想起了许多年前女孩纯真的笑脸﹐男孩看的心就开始一滴滴往下淌血。   

这对老人走出墓地的时候﹐看到男孩站在不远处﹐奥迪的车门已经为老人打开。汽车音响里传出了哀怨的歌声﹐“我的心﹐不后悔﹐ 反反复复都是为了你﹐千纸鹤﹐千份情﹐在风里飞……”


Friends, are everything

It's easy to take our friendship and each other for granted -
to forget what life would be like,
without each other to laugh with, to be with, to care about...
But whenever I slow down and give our friendship a thought,
I still feel that...it's one of the finest relationships I have and I still see the same sentiment reflecting in you!

You're my friend for life!


The Book defines a Friend as 'the one whom we know well and are fond of, intimate associate, close acquaintance, a supporter or sympathizer, someone who is not an enemy'...

People define a Friend as the one who stays faithful in times of dire need...
But I feel that friend is the one person who comes along, changes your existing into lining, becomes your everything and stays so far.


Good friends like you...
Make this world a brighter and a happier place.
You are really a pleasure to know and your timely presence and appreciation, are always admired.
Have a joyous life.


The sweetest of joys,
The loveliest of flowers,
The melodiest of songs,
can't compare to the beauty and specialness of our friendship...


It means a lot to have you as a friend:

You have become a part of my life.
I feel so comfortable with you
and the times we share are delightful.
And I know, no matter what,
I can always count on you...

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

How to reduce stress

An angel says, 'Never borrow from the future. If you worry about what may happen tomorrow and it doesn't happen, you have worried in vain. Even if it does happen, you have to worry twice.'

1. Pray or meditate.

2. Go to bed on time.

3. Get up on time so you can start the day unrushed.

4. Say No to projects that won't fit into your time schedule, or that will compromise your mental health.

5. Delegate tasks to capable others.

6. Simplify and unclutter your life.

7. Less is more. Although one is often not enough, two are often too many.

8. Allow extra time to do things and to get to places.

9. Pace yourself. Spread out big changes and difficult projects over time; don't lump the hard things all together.

10. Take one day at a time.

11. Separate worries from concerns. If a situation is a concern, find out what God would have you do and let go of the anxiety. If you can't do anything about a situation, forget it.

12. Live within your budget; don't use credit cards for ordinary purchases.

13. Have backups; an extra car key in your wallet, an extra house key buried in the garden, extra stamps, etc.

14. K.M.S (Keep Mouth Shut). This single piece of advice can prevent an enormous amount of trouble.

15. Do something for the Kid in You everyday.

16. Carry a Good Book with you to read while waiting in line.

17. Get enough rest.

18. Eat right.

19. Get organized so everything has its place.

20. Listen to a tape while driving can help improve your quality of life.

21. Write down thoughts and inspirations.

22. Every day, find time to be alone.

23. Having problems? Talk to God on the spot. Try to nip small problems in the bud. Don't wait until it's time to go to bed to try and pray.

24. Make friends with people you are comfortable with.

25. Keep a folder of favourtie scriptures or songs on hand.

26. Remember that the shortest bridge between despair and hope is often a good 'Thank You God'.

27. Laugh.

28. Laugh some more!

29. Take your work seriously, but not yourself at all.

30. Develop a forgiving attitude (most people are doing the best they can).

31. Be kind to unkind people (they probably need it the most).

32. Sit on your ego.

33. Talk less, listen more.

34. Slow down.

35. Remind yourself that you are not the general manager of the universe.

36. Every night before bed, think of one thing you're grateful for that you've never been grateful for before. God has a way of turning things around for you.

"If God is for us, who can be against us?" (Romans 8:31)