Saturday, May 29, 2010



又或看看雜誌,妻子則和朋友到咖啡室聊天。 他們唯一的女兒,在美國定居。 月前一個晚上,


「節哀順變。」不少親戚朋友說。「謝 謝關心,我會的。」

他極有禮貌地回答,沒失方寸,一派學者風範.. 暗地裡,他部署一 切。




就在他打開瓶蓋的時刻,電話 響起。

他拿起電話筒,熟悉的聲音傳來:「爸爸,我在機場, 我好想陪陪你。」他猛然醒覺。

老 教授向我說完他的故事,喝一口香片。緩緩道:最有效防止自殺的東西,


原 來是一種簡簡單單的被愛感覺

Friday, May 28, 2010





一對男女結婚後,很快有了孩 子。由於沒有老人幫忙,又沒有多餘的錢請褓母,女人祇好獨自擔起育兒持家的工作,男人為了一家的生計在外奔波。但孩子沒有父母期望的 那樣健康,先有了黃疸,後又得了肺炎。

為給孩子治病,男人更加起早貪黑 地工作;為了照料孩子,女人產後根本沒能好好休息。為了給新生嬰兒好好活著的希望,也為了給對方添加一點勇氣。

男人回家時都要在門外理理蓬亂的頭髮,拍拍西裝上的灰塵,然後抖擻精神挺直身板去按門鈴;而女人聽到樓 梯上傳來熟悉的腳步聲,也總是趕緊扯一扯因為抱孩子和做家務而皺巴巴的衣服,一邊撇起零亂的劉海,一邊堆上笑容向門口迎去。

有一天,女人無意中從貓眼裡發現了男人的秘密。她哭了,然 後很快抹掉眼淚,仍舊掛上燦爛的笑容為男人開門。

女 人打心底心疼男人。夜裡孩子哭鬧時,不管自己怎麼累,她也不叫醒男人,自己悄然起身。

很快,男人發現了女人的秘密,他變得更加細心了,夜裡孩子一有動靜,他準能立刻睜開眼睛,然後伸手輕輕地 壓一壓她,說:「你躺著,我起來。」

因為孩子有病、愛哭鬧,所以每晚男人都要重複 那句話很多次。

主持人講完了。一個白髮蒼蒼的女人,牽著一個同樣滿頭銀 絲的男人出現在觀眾的面前。

老婆婆已經熱淚盈眶,她指著老伴兒說:「故事裡的男 人就是他,女人就是我。我們結婚58年了,至今想起他說的這句話,我心裡還是 暖烘烘的。」

聽完老伴兒的話,老先生張開無牙的嘴,笑了。現場的許多觀 眾卻哭了。


Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Put the glass down today!

A Professor began his class by holidng up a glass with some water in it.

He held it up for all to see and asked the students, 'How much do you think this glass weighs?'

'50g!' ... '100g!' ... '125g' ...the students answered.

'I really don't know unless I weigh it,' said the professor, 'but, my question is: what would happen if I held it up like this for a few minutes?'

'Nothing,' the students said.

'OK what would happen if I held it up like this for an hour?' the professor asked.

'Your arm would begin to ache,' said one of the student.

'You're right, now what wouold happen if I held it for a day?'

'Your arm could go numb, you might have severe muscle stress and paralysis and have to go to hospital for sure!' ventured another student and all the students laughed...

'Very good. But during all this, did the weight of the glass change?' asked the professor.

'No' was the answer.

'Then what caused the arm ache and the muscle stress?'

The students were puzzled.

'What should I do now to come out of pain?' asked the professor again.

'Put the glass down!' said one of the students.

'Exactly!' said the professor.

Life's problems are something like this.

Hold it for a few minutes in your head and they seem OK.

Think of them for a long time and they begin to ache.

Hold it even longer and they begin to paralyze you.

You will not be able to do anything.

It's important to think of the challenges or problems in your life, but even more important is to put them down at the end of every day before you go to sleep.

That way, you are not stressed, you wake up every day fresh and strong and can handle any issue, any challenge that comes your way!